Hey, Look What I found!

Hello everybody!

I am (still) in the process of having a clear out here at home. Such a lot of stuff and so little storage space! Amongst my collection I came across these:

Gene 'Avant Garde' outfit from 1999. Still in box.

Gene ‘Avant Garde’ outfit from 1999. Still in box.

Gene 5th Anniversary Limited Edition 'Bolero' outfit from 2000.

Gene 5th Anniversary Limited Edition ‘Bolero’ outfit from 2000.

I can’t remember where they originally came from but since I no longer collect Gene stuff, I decided to put them up on e-bay  There are lots more pictures of them there.

Each outfit is complete and neither looks as if they have ever been out of their boxes. So, I thought it would be good to pass them on to someone that really wants them. Hopefully they will both find a home with another collector and make somebody’s Gene doll very happy.